Survey on SME Productivity and Growth in Malaysia

1. What is your main activity? (Please tick appropriate boxes.)
1.1 Manufacturing Activity
Division 33: Please specify any other manufacturing activity
1.2 Services Activity
Division S: Please specify any other services activity
2. Which type of products do you sell? (Please tick all appropriate boxes.)
3. What are the geographical markets you are active in? (Please tick all appropriate boxes.)
4. What was the number of employees in your company in 2012?

5. What was the number of employees in your company in 2014?

6. What was the turnover of your company in 2012? (RM)

7. What was the turnover of your company in 2014? (RM)

8. Have you allocated some budget for the improvement of your products, processes, marketing
and/or organisation last year?
8.1 If yes, how much budget have you spent?

9. Has this budget changed in the last 3 years?
9.1  If  your budget changed, how many % did your budget increase or decrease?

10. Have you spent budget on external support (e.g. help from consultants, universities or research
organisations) for the improvement of your products, processes, marketing and/or organisation
last year?
11. Have you received external funding for the improvement of your products, processes, marketing and/or organisation last year?
12. Market Position in Industry (Please tick appropriate choice):
In which position of your industry did your company start? Example: product sales
Where is your company today? Example: product manufacturing and sales
And what is your vision for the future (i.e. the next 10 years)? Example: product manufacturing,
sales and recycling
  Start Today Future
1. Material supply / treatment 
2. Technology development 
3. Product development / design (incl. parts and component development / design) 
4. Product manufacturing (incl. parts and component manufacturing) 
5. Product sales & delivery 
6. Product maintenance (after-sales services) 
7. Product recycling 
8. Service development 
9. Service sales & delivery 
13. What is the most profitable position in your value chain you could achieve in the future? (Please insert one number only)

14. Strategic Objectives
14.1 Growth: How important were the following growth strategic objectives for you in the last 3 years? Please choose your range:
1 - Very Low
2 - Low
3 - High
4 - Very High
1. Offer new products to your current customers 
2. Offer new products to new customers 
3. Attract new customers in current geographical markets with existing products 
4. Enter new geographical markets with existing products 
14.1.1 How important will they be in the next 3 years? Offer new products to your current customers Offer new products to new customers Attract new customers in current geographical markets with
existing products Enter new geographical markets with existing products
14.2 Productivity: How important were the following productivity strategic objectives for you in the last 3 years? Please choose your range:
1 - Very Low
2 - Low
3 - High
4 - Very High
1. Save energy costs by e.g. reducing consumption or replacing main consumers 
2. Save material (costs) by e.g. reducing waste or by introducing new processes/technologies 
3. Save labour costs without reducing skilled work force by e.g. optimizing work procedures 
4. Improve machinery & equipment e.g. by maintaining them or optimising our plant layout 
14.2.1 How important will they be in the next 3 years? Save energy costs by e.g. reducing consumption or replacing main consumers Save material (costs) by e.g. reducing waste or by introducing new processes/technologies Save labour costs without reducing skilled work force by e.g. optimizing work procedures Improve machinery & equipment e.g. by maintaining them or optimising our plant layout
15. Innovation Activities:
15.1 Which product/service innovation activities did you focus on in the last 3 years to achieve the objectives above? Please choose your range:
1 - Very Low
2 - Low
3 - High
4 - Very High
1. Improvement of goods 
2. Improvement of services 
3. Acquisition/purchasing of new technologies 
4. Adaptation of technologies 
5. Development of new technologies 
6. Development of new goods 
7. Development of new services 
8. Development of simplified solutions 
9. Introduction of new solutions to the market 
15.2 Which other innovation activities did you focus in last 3 years? Please choose your range:
1 - Very Low
2 - Low
3 - High
4 - Very High
10. Process innovations 
11. Organisational innovations 
12. Marketing innovations8 
13. Fulfilling of regulations and standards 
16. Additional ones (to be added if necessary)
17. Future Innovation Activities
17.1 Improvement of goods
17.2 Improvement of services
17.3 Acquisition/purchasing of new technologies
17.4 Adaptation of technologies
17.5 Development of new technologies
17.6 Development of new goods
17.7 Development of new services
17.8 Development of new technologies
17.9 Introduction of new solutions to the market
17.10 Which other innovation activities will you focus on in the next 3 years?
17.10.1 Process innovations
17.10.2 Organisational innovations
17.10.3 Marketing innovations
17.10.4 Fulfilling of regulations and standards
18. Additional ones (to beaded if necessary)
19. What is the typical innovation focus of Malaysian SME below from your point of view?
      1. Improvement of goods
      2. Improvement of services
      3. Acquisition/purchasing of new technologies
      4. Adaptation of technologies
      5. Development of new technologies
      6. Development of new goods
      7. Development of new services
      8. Development of simplified solutions
      9. Introduction of new solutions to the market
     10. Process innovations
     11. Organisational innovation
     12. Marketing innovations
     13. Fulfilling of regulations and standards
19.1 Innovation focus 1:

19.2 Innovation focus 2:

19.3 Innovation focus 3:

20. Success Factors of Innovation: To what extent do you agree to the following statements? (External factors) Please choose your range:
1 - I totally disagree
2 - I rather disagree
3 - I rather agree
4 - I totally agree
1. We get the external funding that we need to innovate. 
2. We have suitable business partners. 
3. We have a good position in our (target) market. 
4. We regularly collaborate with universities/research institutes. 
5. There are no/few competitors in our (target) market. 
21. To what extent do you agree to the following statements? (Internal factors) Please choose your range:
1 - I totally disagree
2 - I rather disagree
3 - I rather agree
4 - I totally agree
1. We have good production facilities/technologies. 
2. We have good product technologies. 
3. We have access to all product/production technologies we need. 
4. We have good market access. 
5. Our workforce has the skills we need to be innovative. 
6. Our managers have long-term work experience in our business. 
7. We successfully export our goods . 
8. We have a good innovation culture. 
9. We have good project managers. 
10. The organizational structures of our company facilitate innovation (e.g. multi-functional teams). 
11. We have a systematic and flexible innovation process. 
12. We have defined an innovation strategy for the next years and make sure that our organisational structures are aligned to it. 
13. We have a clear vision related to the future of our target markets. 
14. We are aware of key technology trends relevant for our business. 
15. We are aware of the current market situation and key market trends in our business (customers, competitors). 
22. Are there any other major problems that prevent your company from growing and getting more
productive? If so, what are they?
23. Needed Support: How important is the following support for your innovation activities?
23.1. Research and Technology Innovation.
Please choose your range:
1 - Very Low
2 - Low
3 - High
4 - Very High
1. Technology assessment (strategy, structure, process) 
2. Technology acquisition /procurement 
3. Technology development 
4. Product development 
5. Technical assessment and consultation (process and system optimization, e.g. from resource perspective) 
6. Innovation capacity building 
7. Commercialisation 
23.2 Technical services
Please choose your range:
1 - Very Low
2 - Low
3 - High
4 - Very High
1. Standardisation 
2. Calibration and measurement 
3. IP services 
4. Information services (publications, WTO TBT focal point) 
23.3 Conformity assessment
Please choose your range:
1 - Very Low
2 - Low
3 - High
4 - Very High
1. Testing 
2. Product certification and inspection 
3. Management system certification 
23.4 Training & Consultancy.
Please choose your range:
1 - Very Low
2 - Low
3 - High
4 - Very High
1. Management training (e.g. entrepreneurship) 
2. Management system training (e.g. ISO 9001, 14001, 18001, 50001) 
3. Training on quality methods (e.g. Six Sigma, 5S, quality control) 
4. Support for funding application 
24. Others (Please add additional ones if needed)
25. Support Requirement
25.1. Research and Technology Innovation
25.1.1 Technology assessment (strategy, structure, process)
25.1.2 Technology acquisition /procurement
25.1.3 Technology development
25.1.4 Product Development
25.1.5 Technical assessment and consultation (process and system optimization, e.g. from resource perspective)
25.1.6 Innovation capacity building
25.1.7 Commercialisation
25.2. Technical Services
25.2.1 Standardisation
25.2.2 Calibration and measurement
25.2.3 IP services
25.2.4 Information services (publications, WTO TBT focal point)
25.3. Conformity Assessment
25.3.1 Testing
25.3.2 Product certification and inspection
25.3.3 Management system certification
25.4 Training and Consultancy
25.4.1 Management training (e.g. entrepreneurship)
25.4.2 Management system training (e.g. ISO 9001, 14001, 18001, 50001)
25.4.3 Training on quality methods (e.g. Six Sigma, 5S, quality control)
25.4.4 Support for funding application
26. Other support availability used or needed? (Please add additional ones if needed)
27. Which technology and/or application fields should Malaysian research organisations (e.g. SIRIM, MIMOS, etc.) focus on to better address your needs? (please specify area)
28. Follow-up (Please tick as appropriate)
Company Name

Company Address
Year of foundation

Contact Person

Position in company

Phone number

Email address
Thank you for your time. Have a great day.